on nnwm and ‘cheating’

So Stella commented in the comments that she was going to pick up a WIP for her NNWM attempt, and I know BangBang is doing the same, and so I thought I’d post here something I posted on the NNWM forums. I fully intend to finish a novel I’m already working on, for NNWM. Last year I ‘cheated’, which is to say I woke up in the middle of the night on October 1st with the first paragraph of my NNWM novel in my head. I got up and wrote…

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“A familiar set of tropes, done perfectly.”

“A familiar set of tropes, done perfectly.” I just got my contest package back from the RMFW contest. Would you believe I’d /forgotten/ there was actually a cash prize involved in it? Pretty cool, hee hee hee. TNH wrote All Over my manuscript. In red pencil. I have never been so happy to see so much red pencil on my writing in my life. *cackles of laughter* Well, except where it’s green pencil. She even made notes on the synposis, including, at the last paragraph, “Don’t!” Which… I understand, although…

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“A familiar set of tropes, done perfectly.”

“A familiar set of tropes, done perfectly.” I just got my contest package back from the RMFW contest. Would you believe I’d /forgotten/ there was actually a cash prize involved in it? Pretty cool, hee hee hee. TNH wrote All Over my manuscript. In red pencil. I have never been so happy to see so much red pencil on my writing in my life. *cackles of laughter* Well, except where it’s green pencil. She even made notes on the synposis, including, at the last paragraph, “Don’t!” Which… I understand, although…

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shout out

Who amongst my readers here is doing NaNoWriMo, I asked curiously? miles to Rivendell: 284

shout out

Who amongst my readers here is doing NaNoWriMo, I asked curiously? miles to Rivendell: 284