Chanti just went nuts barking, and when I went to see what the deal was, this is what I saw: More pictures here!

I should so not be awake…

I really shouldn’t be up. However, I am, and these are the fruits of my labor: My nephew, Breic Hugh, looking extremely like his grandpa. :) Also more pictures of him; I expect that directory will get updated a lot in the next few weeks. Also Writer’s Weekend photos, get ’em while they’re hot. :) And Eklutna Lake, August 2003. Ben&Laura wedding pictures next. I promise.


Ow. The dog elbowed my toes. :P I was in a good mood, but now I’m just tired and bleah. But Ted is making mongolian beast, and that’ll be nice. I have a good husband. :)

marginally useful human being

Ok, I feel like a marginally useful human being. I’ve managed to upgrade my Gallery software, which means in comparatively short order I’ll be able to put Laura&Ben wedding pictures up, and Writer’s Weekend pictures up, and roughly a quadzillion Breic pictures up, and that I’ll be able to start putting things into my 1000 drawings gallery again, and … yeah. But now I’m going to bed.

walky walky pfd!

Hooray! I’m getting my PFD! I’ll have to call them tomorrow and ask if they’re mailing it or direct depositing, because I asked for it to be direct deposited, but since they had to dink around and decide if I was going to get it, I got a notification that said it wouldn’t be direct deposited, but the online thingy says ‘yes’ next to direct deposit, so, well, I have to call and ask. I have made Sarah stare very hard at me with the latest chapters of THUNDERBIRD FALLS…

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