aaaand you’re out!

Rejection letter from Luna on HEART OF STONE. Too romancey. Not surprised; that’s what I thought they’d say, but as Angie said, fie on them! It’s a personalized rejection letter, though, and that counts for something. :) “I did think there was a nice sense of energy and feel to the story, but the tone and the scope was too intimate for it to work for us.” So, y’know. :) Fie! Fie! Fie on them! Still in a very good mood, though. *laugh* I was looking at the stamp on…

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Aaaaaand you’re out!

Aaaaaand for my 1500th MT entry, a rejection letter from Luna on HEART OF STONE. Too romancey. Not surprised; that’s what I thought they’d say, but as Angie said, fie on them! It’s a personalized rejection letter, though, and that counts for something. :) “I did think there was a nice sense of energy and feel to the story, but the tone and the scope was too intimate for it to work for us.” So, y’know. :) Fie! Fie! Fie on them! Still in a very good mood, though. *laugh*…

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I’m in a surprisingly good mood for some reason, which is strange because I have a headache and I had to spend the morning cleaning spyware cruft off my stupid computer. Hate XP. Hate. Haaaaate. I only walked 1 mile yesterday. I shall have to walk MANY MANY MILES INDEED today. But it’s beautiful (if cold) out, and I feel prepared for the venture. Plus, homemade spaghetti with homemade bread for lunch. Can’t go wrong with that. :)

Warren Ellis

Thank you all for the invigorating discussions that’ve been going on around yesterday’s post. I’ve been having lots of fun. :) In today’s episode, I talk about how I hate Warren Ellis, which emotion is brought to you by this post: Love Will Kill Us All. It’s a short story; this week Mr. Ellis is doing internet busking, and when I’m done writing this, I’m going to go pay him for his wares, because God *damn* that’s good. It is not pleasant, but nothing he writes is. It *is* beautiful.…

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a bit of babbling

Work’s slowed down for the afternoon, so I’m going to sit here and babble about writing and stuff for a while. Talked to my artist about artwork for Chance; she’s going to try to finish up the last 2 pages (of the first 5). I’m going to submit to Image — well. That’ll depend on whether she’s up for doing a piece of cover art, probably, and I’m going to pitch it to Terry Moore because it can’t /hurt/. :) If I had time/money/resources/a brain? I might try to go…

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