
Cake made. 4.5 miles walked (woo! go me!). Tin whistle practiced. Contemplating sending A COMPENDIUM OF KITLINGS or something to Marvel for their ‘normal’ submissions instead of just to Epic. Going to go read until Mom and Dad get here for dinner, now. miles to Rivendell: 248.5


So Marvel’s Epic line has stopped taking submissions due to overwhelming response. I’m glad I decided to send Chance and write the Jubilee script when I did. I’ll post more information if I hear it, but that’s what’s happened, in a nutshell. Chanti has been very bad. She chewed up a throw pillow, and when we came home from the store this morning, she was on the couch, where she’s not allowed to be. Bad puppy. Jeez. It seemed like I had a bunch of stuff to write about, but…

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Marith sent me some Myers-Briggs prayers. Mine is: ENFP: God, help me to keep my mind on one th–Look! A bird!–ing at a time. *giggle* Nice day today, generally. Spent part of the afternoon trying to help my QA guy troubleshoot a stupid bug, did a couple more zodiac sketches (10 down, 2 to go, although I don’t know that I’ll keep all the ones I’ve got), had lunch at the Cutty Center at the University, which is where Ted is going to his culinary arts classes, with Ted and…

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Feeling unreasonably positive this morning. No idea why. Woke up at 3am with a definite cold in my nose. Took some drugs, which apparently were mood-altering as well as nose-draining, and I’m feeling that all is well with the world this morning. *looks around* I guess that’s all I’ve got to say at the moment. :)

artistic project

So I have this art project in mind. I don’t know how it struck me, it just did. To do a ‘women of the zodiac’ series of drawings. I asked my friend Ellen who runs Ellen Million Graphics if the idea might be something that would appeal to her for EMG, and asked her to jump up and down on my head and demand drawings on a monthly basis. She agreed to. :) I’m not–ok, see, here’s the problem with me and art: I’m good enough, skilled enough, to occasionally…

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