I’m hooooooome! There will be writeups later today and tomorrow. Suffice it to say, that was one hell of a lot of fun!
I’m off.
I’m as organized as I’m going to get, I think. I have No Idea if I’ll be able to post over the weekend, so there may not be another update here until Monday. Have a good week/end!
Completely unprepared for Writer’s Weekend. That’s okay. Going to lunch now, will deal with it later. O.O
purple bear!
I’d never seen a purple bear! I’d never hoped to see one! But I can tell you anywhere: I’d rather see than be one!
Ted and I have been dented. My teeth are all slippery and clean. The doctor gave me an A+ for healthy teeth. The hygenist told me to floss more. The doctor, who is garrulous, kept Ted much longer than it took to do his exam, because he likes to talk. That’s about it. :)