…that I would come out as this kind of sword. :) You are a broadsword! you are double-edged andsharp. As swords go you are a happy medium.Long but not to long. Sharp but not enough tomake the blade weak. Strong but not overlyheavy. What kind of sword are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I bought Sophocles instead, after reading a review of Final Draft that said the user liked Sophocles better. I went and tried it out, and I liked it better too. Plus, it was half the cost of FD, so that’s a big plus. :) Biked 15.7 miles tonight. Veerrrry beautiful out. Also walked a mile with the dog, which was much too hot indeed. *pantpantpant* And wrote 2550 words. Go me! ytd wordcount: 154,050 miles to Mordor: 537.3 miles to Rivendell: 142
I loooooove these hot sunny weekends. This is fantastic! Saturday afternoon I finished my shelves, for the value of ‘finished’ which means ‘they are now all sanded and need to be stained, laquered and mounted’, went to see Holes, which was really quite charming, read a bunch of a book, walked 3 biked 10 miles, and… that was mostly it. I finished the book — Fly By Night, by Jenny Jones — on Sunday morning, between making bread and a cake. It’s a book I bought in England 10 years…
hot hot hot!
Hot hot hot! It is eleventy thousand degrees out. Dad and I went berry picking this morning, but some meanie had been through and picked all our berries, so we only got about a pint between us. Snif! I came home and walked the dog and cleaned up the backyard and am watering it, and now I’m going to go find some food and then maybe go biking. It’s *SO* nice out! Yay!
LXG was actually surprisingly entertaining. Yay!