GOD DAMNED CAT. He just fucking broke my new purple jug. Shoved it off the counter and shattered the handle. God *damn* it.
evil, but stylish
Ok, the Alaskan senators are evil, but at least Stevens is evil with style. :) (Actually, Stevens is pretty cool, as a person. It’s just his politics that are evil. He’s been in office since Nixon, who tried to strongarm him into voting a party line on something–like Bush did with that Senator who defected a couple years ago–and Stevens bodily threw the two guys Nixon had sent out of his office, and told them he wasn’t going back on the floor until the President came down and apologized in…
Today I am going to do the following things which are good for me: 1. take Chanti for a lunchtime walk 2. take myself for an after-work bike ride 3. eat no more than 1 dessert I may start keeping a list like this daily.
bad kit
Bad Kit. I ate a lot of food today that is known to upset my tummy. Unsurprisingly, my tummy is getting upset. Bad, bad Kit. OTOH, biked 13 miles. miles to Mordor: 402.7
I didn’t walk yesterday. I didn’t do a goddamned thing yesterday. I got up this morning to do DDR and still couldn’t make it work even though Shaun showed me how. Chanti and I went for a walk. I don’t know, a mile or so. I need to cut my fingernails while we work on this ‘heel’ thing. miles to Rivendell: 122.7