busy busy!

First off: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAUN! (Slightly belated; yesterday was his birthday, but I didn’t log on!) Got up v. late yesterday and went to see The Italian Job, which Ted and I liked quite a bit. Good heist flick. Thence shopping, and then home again to cook dinner, which Ted did, and made a lot of (hamburgers, hot dogs, homemade mac&cheese), and Mom brought over baked beans and lemon meringue pies. We all ate ourselves silly and then Shaun opened his presents and we hung out and then when Mom…

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writing and walking

I was going to do the Alaska Run for Women, which is a breastcancer awareness fundraiser, this morning. However, several things conspired against me. Mostly what conspired against me was that the entry fee for the race is optional (they ask for a donation, you choose how much), but the people they hired for their online signup has a $2.50 user fee, and that really pissed me off, and then I didn’t send in the entry form. And there’s no race-day signup, so instead I did a 5 mile walk…

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v. sleepy

V. sleepy. Ran outta steam. Tud. Dad came over and we went on a nice 4 mile walk and oh sure NOW it’s clearing up but THEN it rained on us! Hnf! And uhm. Dad showed me how to make Chanti grok ‘heel’, and that made for a much more pleasant walk. We shall try it again tomorrow. :) Wrote 550 words. Not v. many, but better than none. miles to Rivendell: Catie: 113.5 Jai: 91.1 Shoka: 124.2 (go Shoka!) Heather: 96.75 Dave (going to Mordor): 327.7 ytd wordcount: 143,350

rivendell & writing desks

V. sleepy. Ran outta steam. Tud. Dad came over and we went on a nice 4 mile walk and oh sure NOW it’s clearing up but THEN it rained on us! Hnf! And uhm. Dad showed me how to make Chanti grok ‘heel’, and that made for a much more pleasant walk. We shall try it again tomorrow. :) Wrote 550 words. Not v. many, but better than none. miles to Rivendell: Catie: 113.5 Jai: 91.1 Shoka: 124.2 (go Shoka!) Heather: 96.75 Dave (going to Mordor): 327.7 ytd wordcount: 143,350


Bribed Chanti out the back door with a peanutbutterspoon. Will continue as necessary. Hnf.