Chantico has lost her mind. She won’t go out the back door anymore. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with her. It’s very, VERY annoying. I don’t want to /force/ her to go out the back door, because that’s just going to deepen whatever association she’s got with it being bad. Does anybody know anything about dogs? Does anybody know how the hell to fix this problem? Grnrngh. I’m pretty sure she’s afraid of the sprinklers that have been going in people’s backyards (they go tsch-tsch-tsch-tsch-tsch and she…
plusses, minuses
On the plus side, I woke up at 6 this morning, rather than being embroiled in dreams that wouldn’t let me wake until 20 to 8. On the minus side, I didn’t actually get /up/ at 6. I just observed that I was awake, and spent the next hour semi-sleeping/drifting. At some point during that time, I turned over in such a fashion that finally allowed me to breathe, and then I didn’t want to move anymore. Hate allergies. Hate hate hate. Sarah, most wonderfully, has an opportunity to pitch…
a v. nice walk
Jai and I had a v. nice walk this afternoon, except for the part where we were beset by mosquitos. However, we walked swiftly and a breeze struck up and vanquished them, so all was well. :) It’s nice to walk with other people instead of just alone! I wrote 1066 words (but who’s counting) and watched Four Weddings and a Funeral. V. nice evening. :) miles to Rivendell: 109.7 ytd wordcount: 142,800
As I was making lunch, I heard a crash from upstairs. When I came up to investigate, this is what I found: 1. No Lucy on the monitor 2. Cat hair in my water jug
Very, very silly. My work sent me a webcam. I make no guarantees how long it’ll be up, but it’ll be up periodically, anyway. :) Wow. Hungry. I should find an apple, or something.