Some non-spoilery comments: Nightcrawler *completely* won me over. Boy, Hugh Jackman sure does have nice long legs. PETER WINGFIELD. PETER WINGFIELD. PETER WINGFIELD. (Honestly, except when he was actually on screen, I forgot about him.) If Halle Berry really, as reported, thinks her part was too small in this movie, she’s a twit. Pyro, despite the trailers, doesn’t /really/ look like Wil Wheaton.
X2 redux
My fanboy husband assures me that in fact it is /my/ fault that we went to the movie at midnight, because he hadn’t /thought/ of going to the midnight show until I asked. So okay. I can live with that burden. :) Oh my god, I’m tired. *cackle*
Okay, so the problem with saying to your fanboy husband, “So are we going to a midnight showing?” is that your fanboy husband will look indecisive for about fifteen seconds and then say, “YES!” and then you will find yourself posting at two thirty in the morning to say… …that kicked ass.
lots of detail work
50K in 30 days: 1325 ytd wordcount: 125,950 ytd miles biked: 167 miles to Rivendell: 90 Sarah’s miles to Rivendell: 13 Oh, oh, I have a Plan for working on being able to walk a half marathon in June. Next week, I will walk 4 miles twice (’cause I know I can do that, so it’s a good number to start with) and 5 miles once. Then the week after that I’ll walk 5 miles twice and 6 miles once. And then 7 twice and 8 once and so on…
Ye gods and little fishes. Did you know there’s approximately 324523987 zillion walks, ranging from semi-organized to very organized, up here, both seasonal and year-round? There’s the Anchorage Volkssports Club, which does walks and bike rides and a zillion other things, and then there’re races (none of which I could possibly *run* in, but maybe I could walk in them) and all kinds of things listed here. I think I’m going to do this walk next Friday evening. And there’s a Walk to Whittier through the tunnel on June 14.…