Bbblbt. Trying to refinance the Jeep, because it’s got an appalling interest rate thanks to our piss-poor credit last year, but we’ve had a year of on-time payments and have cleaned up the rest of the stuff haunting us, at least so far as we can determine, and so we thought we’d see if we could get a lower interest rate loan. Anyway, so I called the credit union that’s holding our loan and failed to be able to talk to someone who can help me, which is v. annoying.…
not dead!
Not dead! Not even sore after doing a 19.5 mile bike ride yesterday, either, in fact. Go me. :) But also not much to report, except Heather’s miles to Rivendell, which now stand at 43.7. Almost to 50 miles! Yay Heather!
Well! What a day I had today! I got up and did some laundry and we went shopping and I called the bike shop to ask if they rented recumbent bikes and they said no and we went to lunch and then we thought we’d go by the bike shop to look at the recumbents anyway and so we did and I said to the nice woman whose name is I think Vicki that I was interested in a recumbent bike and I probably wanted a compact-long wheel base and…
Tired! Got up this morning and cleaned my desk, which very much needed it, then cleaned the desk that I’d piled all the junk I took off my desk on, and then Jai came over and we went for a walk (walking with someone else is a lot more fun than walking alone!) and then we came back and Ted made us French toast and I started some laundry, and then Dad came over and we scanned about fifty old Murphy family photos (some of them dating back nearly a…
Jai called up around 5 this evening and asked if I wanted to go for a walk, despite us having walking plans for tomorrow morning, because it is beeeeooooooooteeful out, and so I said sure! So she came over and we went for a 4 mile walk, which didn’t /technically/ go faster than usual (although it may have by as much as about 6 or 7 minutes, judging from the clock I looked at on the way out and when we came back in), but it /seemed/ much faster than…