Not a lot to report this morning. I didn’t get up early to walk, which is a pity, because it seems to be beautiful out, but it’s too late for a do-over, so I’ll just have to go biking and or walking tonight. Other people, however, have walked, run, biked and generally moved on towards Rivendell: Dave: 91.5 Shoka: 39.6
busy busy!
Productive evening! I biked 12 miles and saw a flock of about 130 swans out on the mud flats, digging for food. It was *amazing*. There were just dozens upon *dozens* of them. I stopped and got off my bike and gaped at them. It was really neat. *beam* And then I came home and I WROTE. FINALLY. 1300 words to finish ch. 7. 15K for the story so far, and I anticipate about 44K more to finish the book. I intend to finish by May 24. Dot iz zer…
ZILLI HAS BEEN FOUND!!! I went around this morning giving out OYL business cards (because they were the only kind I had that had our home number on them) to everybody in the neighborhood who was home, and just a little while ago someone called and said they thought they’d found my cat hiding under their tree. And I went over and crawled under the tree and indeed there was my cat, who was very scared and wouldn’t come to me, so I went to get some tuna, and Zilli…
Zilli is missing. :(
Rivendell dell dell
Got up at 6am and went for a walk! So did Ted! So did Chantico! Yay for us! So there are *lots* of miles to Rivendell to report this morning! But nothing else at all. :) Miles to Rivendell: Ted: 5 Catie: 52.5 Heather: 34 Dave: 86.5 (showoff) Jai: 40.1