Not yet 9am and I’ve already showered, made bread, done 90 crunches, had breakfast, and been made to laugh very very much by Jai’s journal. A good start to the day!
miles walked to Rivendell: 13.5 Have fallen v. far behind Jai. Am determined to catch up, preferably by thinking, ‘WALK REAL SLOW, JAI’ with such intensity that her footsteps tread more slowly until she is walking as if through treacle. If this plan does not work, will be forced to walk faster/longer myself. Seems like wretched idea. Am hoping intense thought scenario will work. Met half-blind but friendly (is there any other kind?) golden retriever on trail today. Should try to remember camera to take pictures of mountains/inlet on daily…
funny puppy!
Oh oh oh, Chantico did a funny thing last night! She was being a pain in the ass and bouncing around and getting in everybody’s face while we were sitting around talking after dinner, so I said to her, “Where’s your ball? If you get me your ball, I’ll put peanutbutter in it.” And she looked at me for a moment, and then she turned around and picked up her /bone/, which I /also/ put peanutbutter on, and gave /it/ to me! Funny, clever puppy! hee hee hee! Also, I…
Dinner turned out very well. The cake was very yummy. It was nice to see Mom and Dad. And I’m very tired. G’night!
Bah. My day has been all thrown off by daylight savings. I didn’t change my clock last night, so I got out of bed at 8:30, which felt a little late anyway, but once I got showered and all I realized it was now /ten/, not nine, and now everything feels all cramped and crowded. Grumble. I’m making corn beef & cabbage for dinner (we were going to make it at St. Patrick’s Day, but Mom made it then, so I’m making it now!) and this cake for dessert, and…