I need more hours in the day. Or, better yet, I need to be independently wealthy so I can spend the hours of the day doing what I want instead of working. I could get an art degree in 2 or 3 semesters, for example, if I could go to school full time, and that’d be very keen! Sadly, that has nothing to do with reality. If I could figure out a way to actually pay for the classes (which, incidentally, reminds me that I ought to send in the…
Ehehe! I got my NaNoWriMo t-shirt in the mail today! I’d forgotten I ordered it, so it was a very nice surprise! I told myself that if I broke 50K words by the end of November, I’d reward myself with one of the ‘No plot? No problem!’ t-shirts. And I did, so I did! Heheheh!
amnesia moon
In a fit of record-breaking quickness, I got the new copy of Amnesia Moon in the mail last night, and promptly checked to make sure it had pages 25-56, although I cannot imagine that PNH didn’t also check before sending it. It did, so I’ll have to read it this weekend. :) Mac&cheese for lunch. Every time I have mac&cheese now, I’m reminded of Ted saying to Anthony and Mary that, left to my own devices, I would eat nothing but mac&cheese, and Tony saying, “How very *guy* of you,”…
I gymmed! Actually gymmed! Weight lifted and everything! It was kind of a short and not *terribly* exertionful workout, but since 1. I’m still coughing and 2. I haven’t done this in a long time and I didn’t want to make myself sick, mildly low-key is okay. Besides, I worked out hard enough to make my arms wibbly, so I think I did okay. I’m feeling better, mentally, even if it’s 5 after 8 and I’ve been up 2 hours already. I woke up at 5. For some reason my…
poor ted
Poor Ted has a migraine and stayed home today. I just heard him speaking firmly to the dog, who hasn’t been *newly* bad, but man, did she make a mess of the rug and my shoe. (I just spelled ‘stayed’ ‘staid’ and ‘shoe’ ‘shoo’. *sigh*) It finally snowed! I put the dog out on the long lead for a while so she could romp in the snow. She dug, of course. *beats head on wall*