Mutter. My shoulder is hurtful. Not painful, just sort of wearyingly achy. I have made a chiro appointment for tomorrow morning, and perhaps I’ll start to get this problem worked out. Feh. I was going to say something else, but I seem to be drawing a blank on whatever it was. Er. Oh well. I guess it wasn’t all that important. Oh, I remember. It wasn’t, in fact, all that important. I got Bounce, Bon Jovi’s latest CD, a couple days ago and listened to it this morning. It’s not…
more on writing
Because I know you haven’t read enough about my writing lately, I’m going to talk about it some more. I’m suddenly panicking because I’ve hit 25 chapters which means there’s theoretically something like 12-14 chapters left to write, and I have this horrid idea I’m not going to be able to finish the book in 14 chapters. Why this is actually a problem I don’t know, because I can always just write more chapters. None the less, I’m slightly panicky over it. This is no longer — at least not…
Wow! I invoked winter by changing my webpage! It snowed last night! Not lots, but enough to stick and turn everything white! Wow! I’m very powerful! I caused an earthquake a few weeks ago, too! I’d better be careful with what I say from now on!
There. 36236 words. 25 chapters. 4660 words and 3 chapters tonight, specifically. I think I’m done writing for the evening. I’m also about 5600 words ahead of schedule, which is nice, because I’m going to try to get done by Sunday so I can finish editing US next week. *vaguely sheepish look* And actually, if it takes another 18K words, I should finish in 6 days pretty easily, at 3K a day. Boy. I’m cool! :)
canned peaches
Do canned peaches count as part of one’s daily froots and vegetables? Or are they basically just More Sweet Stuff? How about if they’re in light syrup instead of heavy syrup? I don’t like peaches (they’re fuzzy) but I liked canned peaches quite a lot and I’m trying to eat more froots… (4110 words so far. A measly 400 to go!)