Picking up from last night’s countdown: 3300 words written, 1500 to go! Although I’m going on to ch. 25 now, which should get me to the 36K wordcount, buuuuuut I don’t think I’ll feel like the second third of the book is actually finished until I’m done with ch. 26, which actually *will* be, in chapter numbers, the end of the second third. God, I can’t believe how well this is going! There are Leonids tonight. It’s cloudy, but I’m thinking of staying up late in hopes of being able…
My swimsuit has arrived! And it fits. Barely. o.O Perhaps if I swim most days between now and the pool closing for Christmas break, it will fit better next year. It’s a nice color, though! Even if it’ll clash with my swim cap. :)
Well, if it’s not going to be winter outside, it can goddamned well be winter on my web page!
Well, my tummy’s better this morning, and I’m sulky that I didn’t write another 4500 words last night. Oh well. I should eat breakfast and do some work and um. *looks around* Yeah.
Blah. Icky tummy, no more writing. Tomorrow.