Shwoop! A Compendium of Kitlings is off to the editor! We shall see what happens now!
don’t worry
Don’t worry: the 7.9 quake didn’t kill us all dead, or even knock any books off the shelves. Here in Anchorage it was very rumbly and rolly and it went on for a LONG time — about two minutes! — but it wasn’t all jolty or anything. It was *very* impressive, though. I was sitting down to put my shoes on, and Ted had just swung his jacket on, and when I looked up the dining room light was swinging quite wildly, and I said, “How come you hit the…
I finished A Compendium of Kitlings! It came in at just under 7000 words, or at 8750 words, depending on how you count it (ie, either by using Word’s word counter, or by multiplying 250wpp times the number of pages, which is the traditional way to do it) and I’m pretty pleased with it overall! It makes me laugh, anyway! And between it and working on LG earlier today, I wrote 3000 words today! Go me! WOOOOOOO! *beam*
writing success
It’s pretty funny how other people’s writing success gets me all excited about writing. Mony has broken the 8000 word mark on her NaNoWriMo novel (GO MONY!!!), and *I’m* so smug about it I’m practically dancing around. And I’m all gung ho to write more, myself! (In fact, I am writing more. I figured out What Happens Next in the Kitling story, which means I may be able to finish it tonight! Yah!)
Jeez, I thought I was doing okay today. I wrote 1500 words, edited a chapter, actually socialized IRL with some human beings other than my immediate family, and swam, but *Sarah* more or less took over the world. Gooooooooo Sarah! Ted put a split keyboard on my desktop. I hope very much that it helps my pinky/elbow/back ulnar nerve problem, because it hurts like hell.