regarding Farscape

Regarding Farscape — there’s an online petition here that’s collecting thousands of netsignatures asking that the show not be cancelled; Gigi Edgely, who plays Chiana, posted a fax number for SciFi that you can send comments to — 1-212-413-6531 — go to to send it for free. Cut and paste the number. For a comprehensive list of addresses to send snailmail to, check out Caitlin R. Kieran’s journal page, Low Red Moon, where she’s collected a long list of the most relevant addresses. Guess we’ll see what happens. Anyway,…

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it’s my life

Writing this on my laptop, with no connection to the net. I’m at the library in a chair that isn’t “my” chair — people are sure weird, you know? There’s a cubby in the Alaska Collection that I like to sit and write in. There are two chairs in it, and they’re both occupied, one by somebody taking a nap. So I’m at one of the desks and trying to get used to typing at a weird angle — the desk is higher than my elbows, so I’ve got my…

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haus pictures!

Haus pictures! I’ll take some more — like of the exterior and master bedroom, heh — tomorrow when we go over for the house inspection.




We went to lunch today and bought a house. O.O Well, we went to look at a ZLL over on Bridle Circle at lunch, and it was … fantastic. It’s almost 1400 square feet on an almost 6Ksf lot. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, a VERY LARGE kitchen with LOTS of counter space, an actual _dining room area_ (which we haven’t had in a long time), a big ol’ living room with a fireplace at one end… nice light, a 2 car garage, and there’s a foot of dead space between…

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