Well, whatever I did, it well and truly fucked up my back. Let’s hear it for muscle spasms… not. I am *seriously* displeased. :P
Feh. I sat badly after we came in from running and I seem to have screwed up my back somehow. I’m sitting less badly now and am hoping the ouchful part will go away. Feh.
we did it!
Wow, we did it. We ran for two whole minutes! Okay, not in a row, but still! I don’t remember the last time I ran two whole minutes. It was probably in junior high. :) Today’s card was 5 minutes walk, 1 minute run, 5 minute walk, 1 minute run, 5 minute walk. And it wasn’t so bad! That’s the schedule for the whole week, except, er, on the days where it’s just a 15 minute walk. :) I’m feeling irritatingly chipper. :)
Well, despite the puppy (who seems to be feeling MUCH better now, thank you), I did get up and go to the gym this morning, and had a pretty darned good workout. Then we went shopping and came home and made a magnificent brunch of bacon, eggs and pancakes. It was *really* good. Now I’m at work for a few hours and digesting the *really* good brunch, and then I’m going to *shudder* go try this running thing. And it’s a nice day out, so I’m feeling like maybe I…
Truly Vile Stench
I was woken up 90 minutes ago because there was a Truly Vile Stench. I have never been woken up by a Truly Vile Stench before. I do not, on the whole, recommend it. After taking several minutes to determine that the Truly Vile Stench did *not* come from our bedroom, we went downstairs to discover that the dog had done every imaginable excretion in her kennel. She evidently ate some of her bedding stuffing, and apparently had to poop. Then she ate the poop. Then she puked. Which is…