Emily and I went to _About A Boy_ last night, and I really enjoyed it. (Actually, so did Emily.) When we left the theatre, it was *pouring* rain, so I was very glad I’d gone biking earlier in the day instead of waiting til after the movie, or skipping the movie in favor of biking. Anyway, good movie! Worth seeing! I was going to say something else about something amusing, but I can’t remember what it was. *squint* Well, maybe it’ll come back to me.
gym! hungry! stuff!
I got up at 6 and went to the gym this morning. Go me! Except it was really EXTREMELY weird because the alarm went off and Ted didn’t turn it off and after about fifteen seconds I said (whined), “Ted, hit the snooze.” No response. I lay there another ten seconds or so and said, “Hit the *snooze*.” No response. I flopped over, and TED WASN’T THERE! I stared in bewilderment, then stared at the bathroom, which was open and dark. No Ted THERE, either! So I rolled over in…
OYL update, finally. We brought Chanti to the vet again tonight for more shots. This time it cost $150. They want to charge us close to $600 to have her spayed. I think we must’ve found the most expensive clinic in town. We’re going to call the nice SPCA people and get her spayed somewhere we can fucking well afford. I am a displeased Kit. I’m also a tremendously hungry Kit, so I’m going to go to bed before I give in to my weakness and eat something. G’night!
Wow. Wow wow wow. I’ve been overpaying on Ted’s federal student loan by teensy amounts for the last year, and by a more significant amount the last few months, and I just got the coupons for the next year’s worth of payments, and they’re $25 less than last year’s. *does a little jig* Yay me! Woot! Yay! I, however, am only halfway as admirable as Sarah, who got Angie’s comments working. I bow before her technical superiority! Woot! *dancie dancie dance*
Zum! Chiropracted! Wow, that felt really good, too. I needed popping! Lucy is doing Paw Of Dominance on my printer, which has a bobtail kitten contract sitting on top of it. It’s all very feng shui, or something. :) Speaking of which, last night I suddenly had a fit of needing to rearrange some of the books on one of the sets of shelves in the living room, which Emily explained as my feng shui being disturbed. I decided that was probably about right, particularly since although I didn’t go…