to do

Thursday’s Thinks To Do: 1. Print Legion for Tony 2. Email A.C. Crispin 3. Rewrite a chapter of US^h^h^h^h^h^h^h do some writing 4. Email a desc of the character for Last Angel Standing to the elfwood artist


Splah! Well. The RMFW contest at least *received* my stuff, presumably in time, although the postcard is postdated the 8th, but one assumes the nice lady didn’t rush out the instant the materials were received and stick it back in the box. There’s no note on it saying, “You suck! Got here too late!” or, “You suck! We already have our 200 entries and nobody else gets to enter!” Not that this means much, but at least it doesn’t *say* that. :) I just went and re-read the rules for…

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I am HEALED! At least, the chiro says I’m pretty much healed: my hips have leveled out, doing lower back stuff no longer hurts, my neck is still a little stiff but only a little, and my orders are to start exercising … and now I have to go bring the puppy out, because she is barking pathetically. Amazing what a little laying-on of hands can do, eh? I’m HEALED! *beam*


Saturday! Saturday, we went to the annual blues festival, Blues on the Green. We did not anticipate it being windy enough to blow tents over. We ate some funnel cakes, looked around at the tent city that had sprung up, and decided that discretion was the better part of valor and beat a hasty retreat to my parents’ house, where we discovered not a tarp, which we had intended to discover, but instead the tent that they’ve apparently been storing for me for six years or so. Tent in hand,…

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Not really the weekend writeup yet, because I haven’t finished with the eighty quadrillion photographs, but some minutia. I went to the chiro yesterday, and he didn’t yell at me for going hiking on a glacier, which is gooooooood. In fact, he seems very happy with me. :) Tomorrow I am X-rayed and we’ll see if I’m all healthy-backed again. Actually, I know I’m not; my neck is still stiff. But it’s better than it *was*, and even if my back is tired from glacier hiking and sitting around at…

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