
Hm. If anybody who reads this knows Erica’s email address, could you send it to me? I tried the one I thought she’d said (erica at but it done got bounced back to me. Incidentally, even if the chiro pissed me off, he did say that my hips are leveling out nicely, and he seemed pleased and satisfied with the pops he got out of my back, so I guess I’m healing, or something. That’s good. :)

I’m alive!

I’m alive! Laura and Ben (seen here with a polar bear) arrived safely around noon on Sunday, and we’ve been off gallivanting since then. Most extensively, we gallivanted at the Alaska Native Heritage Center, which is very cool and which has 14 foot bowhead whale jaws that you can stand around in or walk around in, if you’re so inclined) and dancing which they invite you to do with them even if you can’t seem to actually stay in time. (You being me in this case; as far as I…

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stuff accomplished

Got my submission to the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers contest postmarked at 11:30 or so last night. I hope it makes it to Colorado in time. I think the wet carpet downstairs is making my allergies worse. The landlord came and fixed the leak (and the heat that wouldn’t turn off, YAY!), but the carpet is damp and very smelly and it makes me sneeze. Off to finish folding laundry and vacuum, which Ted doesn’t seem to be doing. Phooey. Oh, thanks to everybody who sent me birthday wishes. *beam*…

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nooooooo guests!

Nooooooo guests! Laura just called and said they were not in Alaska, and in fact were not even on their way to Alaska. They are stuck in Minneapolis with a plane having mechanical problems, and so they’re staying overnight there and will be in at 11:30 tomorrow morning. o.o “How civilized,” said me mither.

eat, drink, be merry

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die(t). Well, I have eaten and drunken and am merry in an exhausted low-key way. Actually, I pretty much can’t breathe, so I’m really not that merry, but I’m going on a diet tomorrow anyway. Hopefully I will stay on a diet longer than just, y’know. Tomorrow. Dieting’s not so bad if you do it for just one day . . . *tired grin* Meat and vegetable diet, mostly. Small portions, really. Small portions are most important. That’s gonna be hard to…

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