great white sloth

Plus, I was a great white sloth this morning. Ted’s stupid alarm, which I don’t know how to turn off, went off at 6:30, a time at which I was utterly unprepared to wake up. I beat on it; it went off again 9 minutes later; I beat on it some more, pushing all the buttons I could find around (I did this yesterday, too, and inadvertantly turned it up quite a lot, so today not only could I not turn it off, but it was extremely loud and unstoppable)…

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I apparently revert to bachelorhood instantaneously. Last night — I didn’t mean to do this, but I got caught up RPing on Maddock — I bailed on having a real dinner and made mac&cheese, which is exactly what Ted says I’d eat if he weren’t around to feed me. Something similar happened this morning, but I can’t remember what. Oh, I know. I had no clean glasses (this is not because of sudden bachelorhood, but is rather because of a puppy who makes a mess of the kitchen floor, making…

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attack of the clones!

Attack of the Clones was a very Star Wars like movie. :) It had some terrible, terrible dialog and some fantastic FX, and some scenes that made me laugh and clap and cheer, so, well, yeah. Star Wars. :) It was too long; someone needs to tell moviemakers that longer is not necessarily better. I’ve gone to several movies recently (including SW and Spider-Man) that during the movie I thought, “Boy, this is long,” and that’s not a good thought to have during a movie, IMHO. However, I enjoyed it…

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Now I’m hungry, but the puppy has gone to sleep and I am loathe to move for fear of waking her. Humans are so weird.

awww awone!

I am aaawww awwone! Ted has flown off to Pittsburg for his work, and Shaun has been working ninety thousand hour (Title Wave is moving, and the contractors are lazy gits who haven’t gotten most of the work done, so Shaun’s been putting in *major* overtime) and it’s just me, two kitties and a puppy. The latter of whom is chewing on a rock. Puppies are very weird. Um. I don’t know much else. I’m supposed to go on a 120 mile bike ride, the fundraiser for the American Lung…

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