gym: 150 crunches leg press, 150lbs (1 set), 160lbs (2 sets) of 15 inner thigh crunch thing, 80lbs, 3 sets of 15 hip abducter, 90lbs, 3 sets of 15 leg extensions, 40lbs, 3 sets of 15 (just can’t handle 50 on this, bah) leg curls, 50lbs, 3 sets of 15 back extender thing, 3 sets of 15, 50 or 60lbs, i forget butt blaster, 3 sets of 10, 20lbs walked home, 1 mile or so
So far this morning I gymmed and walked home and showered and walked the dog and cleaned up the kitchen some and walked the dog again and got breakfast and I have a meeting RIGHT NOW.
back-yard monorail!
This is extremely strange: a backyard monorail.
From Angie’s page: 1:30am: Peter Wingfield really does have an enormous nose. He’s incredibly attractive, I don’t dispute that, but seeing him in profile is somewhat amusing, particularly with Adrian Paul also in profile right next to him. *howls of laughter* *howls and howls of laughter* I prefer to think of his nose as *magnificent*, not *enormous*, but then, Angie says: i thought about using ‘magnificent,’ but thought of that as a very kitlike phrase, so i didn’t. ^_^; It is turning into a very Peter Wingfieldy sort of day.…
funny, funny dream
I woke up at five to five from the most patently ridiculous dream. I woke up laughing so hard I was snorting and shaking the bed, and Ted panicked, afraid I was horribly injured somehow. *helpless laughter* I dreamed that there was some kind of event going on at UAA, and that Peter Wingfield was going to be there for a contest to see who was the best stage wizard, and the winner got a sewing machine. Now, Sarah was in this dream, and she and I both knew that…