silly, *silly* daddy

My father keeps misdialing my phone number. Apparently at 345-2112 there is someone who sounds a great deal like me. Dad called me up, then accidentally called this other woman up, then called me up again. He said to me, in a silly voice, “Is this the person to whom I am speaking?” and I denied it, and he said, still in the silly voice, “I just called that other woman and asked her that same question. She said she didn’t know.” Dad said, “Well, perhaps I will call someone…

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nothing much to say

This seems to be one of those entries where Ted said, “If you don’t have anything to say, post that you don’t have anything to say!” I don’t think I have anything to say. :) Well, no, not true! We launched the revision of Blueprint for Health last night, which isn’t going to mean a damned thing to anybody but me, but it’s the culmination of 3 months of work and the first assigned project to my new employee, so I’m very happy with it! Hooray!


Despite whinging briefly, I went swimming tonight, and had a very, very excellent swim. My jaw is still achy, but it wasn’t an issue in swimming as I thought it might be. swam: 3800 yards music: Billy Joel, Greatest Hits V.3


I did something painful to my jaw yesterday evening. I think it’s less painful now, at least slightly, but yawning hurts, and I keep yawning. Actually, for somebody who was up til 1am I’m not all that yawny. She said, and yawned. *yawn* OW. Goddamn it. What kind of doctor does one go to for a jaw problem? It’s in the hinge that it hurts. This is going to make swimming a bother. My friend Melissa called me last night! We’re going to have a late lunch next Sunday. The…

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Popcorn and orange juice. Better. Yum. Of course, now I have popcorn kernel skins stuck in my teeth.