Oh, for pity’s sake, my HR is at it again. Well, okay, it’s payroll, this time. Back around the 7th, I thought I got a Christmas bonus. Well, I didn’t. What I got was 6 or 7 months worth of California state taxes. Except they paid me too much. By like $500. So this paycheck they gave me $500 less. Only they deposited 3.5x that ‘$500 less’ amount into my checking account. And then they sent me an extra $1800 paycheck. And now they want $3100 back. Fortunately, the $1800…
I am not having a good back morning. In fact, I’m having pain. I dunno if this is from sleeping poorly or if there’s a larger issue, but I don’t like it at all. :P I need to get my portly ass to the gym and lose some weight. Ow.
pleasant evening!
Wow, what a very pleasant evening. Ted cooked the ridiculous 19 pound turkey, and stuffing (two sorts, his mom’s and my mom’s) and greenbean casserole and corn on the cob and mashed potatoes, and we had 8 people over for dinner, and we ate ourselves silly. And I got to talk to *girls*! Three of them! One was Mom, whom I often talk to, but two were NEW girls! Robin, who looks and sounds remarkably like Tamago, and Jessica, who doesn’t. :) They both cross-country ski, apparently, so Jessica and…
happy new year!
Happy New Year! Man, I woke up late this morning to the heavenly smells of turkey roasting and stuffing cooking and *wow* does it smell good in this here house. 2002, for heaven’s sake. How did that happen? (I know, I know, the regular progression of numbers and seasons one after the other, but you know that’s not what I mean.) I need to put a new calendar up. I need to eat breakfast, too. Hm. Maybe I’ll go do that. Happy New Year!
I became a proselytizer for Strangers in Paradise on Saturday and dedicated the first GN that Trip, Chrisber and Marith brought me in 99 to the cause and gave it to Mary Anne to get her hooked too. So what’d you think, Mary Anne? :)