Skipping some of the Christmas updating stuff for the moment, I now pause to say that last night our friend Mary Anne, who is doing a whirlwind Christmas-time tour of Alaska sort of thing, deigned to fit us into her busy schedule so long as we agreed to feed her, so she and another friend of ours, Dean, came over for a few hours and we had a good talk. That was plenty much big fun; it’d been, gawd, five years since I’d seen Dean, and — four? — since…
christmas 4
Der checkerbooker ist balanced now. To my vast irritation, apparently the new company that owns CHI has not got direct deposit set up, or I haven’t done the paperwork, or something; I’m not *aware* of needing to do any more paperwork, but … Sigh. It was an excellent Christmas for poetry! I bought myself The Essential Rilke, and the parental units gave Deirdre and me both copies of The Best American Poems, or something very close to that, and to my bemusement, I opened it up to about the fourth…
christmas 3
Christmas day was really pretty laid back. We got up around 9, wrapped presents, ate orange rolls for breakfast– –ok, see, my family has Traditions. These Traditions are set by us doing something once and then saying the next year, “We ALWAYS do X!” After a while, it becomes true. One of these Traditions is having pizza on Christmas Eve, which we started doing when I was about 14, I think, although possibly it was many years before that. This year we did not have pizza on Christmas Eve, although…
christmas break
Ok, I spent most of the afternoon working on Christmas photos, so I didn’t do any more catchup writings. I’ll do more this weekend. Or Monday. :)
christmas 2
So after our very pleasant time in Longview, we drove back up to Seattle, and drove right to where we were supposed to be, then thought it wasn’t where we were supposed to be, drove around some more, decided it *was* where we were supposed to be, drove back, found out we didn’t know what apartment # we were in, drove away again, called, found out it was the one we’d been standing in front of, and drove BACK again, finally arriving safely. Sheesh. We hung out for a while…