MIT is so cool. I have a lap full of Lucy. She was on the stairs going, “MAAAH!” pathetically, and I looked at her and said, “Well, come here,” and she came running over, and anklerubbed, and now she’s taken over my lap. Cup of water #6 now working its way through my system. Rapidly. Yesterday we had successful shopping. I got an ice-cream maker, which I’ve wanted for ages, and we got a table with a lamp for the stupid dark corner of our living room, so now there…
further accomplishments!
God, I’m good. Wait, did I say that once already? That’s okay, I don’t mind if I did. God, I’m good! Further things accomplished: 1: warm fuzzies put into laundry to remove cat fur from them so they can be worn without sneezing fits. 2: New photos of cats put up. This is mostly Starling’s fault. Honest. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 3: New Kithair. (Compare to last December. And to March 2001.) 4: An additional 2 glasses of water consumed. This behavior causes one to have…
god, i’m good
*God*, I’m good. This morning I have showered, dressed, drunk 2 of the recommended 8 glasses of water a day, eaten breakfast, put a table lamp together, and I’m *still* at work 45 minutes earlier than I got to work all last week!
New photos: Alaskan scenery.
utter, complete, total failure
There was an utter, complete, and total failure to go to Liz’s party tonight. Instead, we discovered that I’d gotten a Christmas bonus, and in a fit of excitement, we went Christmas shopping. :) We have now procured a present for my Mom, for my sister, for my Dad, and for Ted’s Dad, although that happened prior to bonus-discovery. Oh. And, uh, we bought a cat tree for the cats. o.o But they seem to like it! They’re being very silly and cute! (Okay, our cats are SPOILED ROTTEN. What’s…