
This morning, at a quarter to ten, the doorbell rang, and delivered Christmas presents! Woot! There were foodthings and flannel jammies and an electric griddle and a HUNDRED DOLLAR GIFT CERTIFICATE TO WALDENBOOKS from Ted’s parents, and glitter-filled cards from Angie and *ooooh* a Lawrence Yep version of Beauty and the Beast called The Dragon Prince, and another Beauty and the Beast book by … I’ll have to go look. Called Beast, and it’s about the Beast before Beauty met him, and I’m so jazzed! They are very excellent presents!…

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There was lunching with Lizards and Jais today! We went to the Bear Tooth and had burrito things, and *wow* does Liz look fantastic. She’s down to her high school weight and seems really happy. Yay! So it was a lot of fun. *beam* And tomorrow night her family is having a Christmas party to which we are invited and should go!

miss parker

Oh, I forgot to mention the weirdly alarming dream I had this morning wherein … well, it was complicated, but one of the particularly weird bits was that I seemed to be having a love child with Miss Parker, from The Pretender. Later she turned into Buffy, but we still had a two year old girl child. It was extremely bizarre. I also dreamed that my cousin Rory was terribly swamped and that I swam out to rescue him, which made me feel like I should email him when I…

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site launches

Well, Anthem launched (you don’t have to go look, it’s not very exciting. pretty, though), against all odds. My coworker Barbara (whose page I would like to if I knew where/if it existed (I suppose I could ask her, couldn’t I?) (ah, here we go: spideyblue.com, although Babs says it’s a mess)) is to be vastly commended, for she did the whole damned site in under three weeks, bug fixes and all. I think I’m going to lunch today with Jai and maybe Liz. That’ll be nice. :) I wish…

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My first usenet post: From: fscem1@acad3.alaska.edu Subject: ElfQuest Newsgroup: rec.arts.comics Date: 1991-03-11 23:18:05 PST I just went through the entire list of titles in the rec.comic thinger, and from that, I must assume there are no other screaming ElfQuest fans running around. I’m not a big comic reader, although I pick them up sometimes – ElfQuest is my downfall. Is there anyone else out there who’s with me???? I cringe, or something. :) There are simply some things that should not be recorded for posterity. :)