Friend of mine over on Twitter accidentally set me off on Women In Refrigerators by asking what it was about Rachel’s death in The Dark Knight that upset me so much. It’s that they fucking killed her. She’s the only woman in the first two movies and they fucking killed her for the angst of the hero(es). I’m the only person on earth who liked Katie Holmes’s Rachel more than Maggie Gyllenhaal’s, and I was still so pissed and upset over it that I can’t watch the movie again, despite…
I think we’ve actually gained slightly on Swan River Press! Admittedly, we still have over 600 votes to catch up, but if we catch up by Friday evening, I’ll post the first chapter of SHAMAN RISES! :) Vote here! (And here’s the Swan River project too. :)) Following on my rant last Friday, I was tipped to this webcomic, which pretty well nailed it. (Thank you, Hataroni, for the link!) Ted and I (mostly Ted) put up the new shelves in the utility room last night. They’re just about exactly…
weekend roundup
If we can catch up to Swan River Press this week I’ll post the first chapter of SHAMAN RISES on Friday evening. :) He’s 600 votes ahead of us and gets 100 votes a day as standard, so we’ve got a LOT of catching up to do! :)
Herein lies a rant.
Look, I don’t know why it is that I get bent out of shape more easily over injustices in comicbookland than in sffland, but I pretty much do. I’ve certainly identified myself as a SFF reader longer (although by only half a decade or so, probably), but somehow comics tend to hit me right in the outrage. Here is today’s link hitting me in the outrage. The short version is that it’s Mark Millar (whom I have met and who is *insanely* charming in person), Todd McFarlane, Len Wein (the…
busy busy busy
You guys have got my back. I was kind of too busy with other stuff to really plug the #LastDays project yesterday, but we still got nearly 100 votes. Aiming for 1800 today! Go go go go go! Vote for the Last Days project! A couple of friends have gotten good news recently, none of which is mine to share, but boy am I pleased for them. Seems to make everything a little better, especially since they (like so many right now) have been scrambling, and their good news will…