Ask The Author – the Question: Dare I ask? Favorite authors? Books? oh come on :) No, no, okay, look, I do have some answers to this. My husband says my favorite book is TIGANA by Guy Gavriel Kay, and I can never argue with that even though who can, in fact, choose a single favorite? But if it’s not my favorite, I have a hard time telling you what is in its place. OTOH, I am now like a…decade? behind? on reading Guy’s books, which makes it feel hard…
a rather lovely day
Today has been a rather lovely day. A long-time reader whom I’ve corresponded with for years is in Ireland, and we met for breakfast, which was a genuine delight. Even though she’s still mad at me for something I wrote in the Walker Papers, and took the chance to tell me I’m not yet forgiven. But I also told her a couple of SECRETS, so we were all even in the end, or something. *laughs* I brought her a copy of GLADIATOR TIGER, which she had not known was dedicated…
Marketing Monday: Bewitching Benedict
today I’m going to talk about BEWITCHING BENEDICT, which is a Regency romance with (*gasp*) no magic, despite the title. :) I’d been reading lots and lots of MC Beaton’s Regency romances, and I asked my agent at the time if there was still a market for Regencies, because I thought maybe I could write one. He said yes, if I wrote him a charming piece of confectionary, he could definitely sell it. Well, I *did* write a charming piece of confectionary, but he couldn’t sell it. I was told…
Ask the Author: writing for Zoe Chant
Ask the Author – the Question: I am curious about how you got in on the Zoe Chant action. And how exactly does it work when multiple authors write under a single pen name? Hah! I got in on it because I have a friend who writes for Zoe and she spent years trying to get me to apply to write for them. Eventually I did. And while that sounds easy enough on the surface, it took me two rewrites of one book and then another entire book entirely to…
Picoreview: Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre
Picoreview: Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre – this was great fun. It *looked* like a movie where Jason Statham got to be funny again, and after his magnificent turn in SPY, I really wanted to see him get a chance to be funny again. He was not AS funny in this as he was in SPY, but he was pretty funny. :) This was kind of like Guy Ritchie said “Okay, fine, I’m not going to get to do a sequel to MAN FROM UNCLE, so I’m just gonna…file some…