the essential kit

social media, social change

My fandom is a mess. Not just my fandom. The halls of my chosen career, too. SFF is a mess, in a political sense, with regards to sexism and racism. There’s the very recent problem with the SFWA Bulletin (type SFWA into Google and that link is the first thing that comes up), there’s the nobody-is-surprised news that Tor editor Jim Frenkel has had a formal report filed against him for sexual harrassment, there’s there genuinely bizarre fake geek girl hubub…it all goes on and on, and it’s being discussed…

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i have made my web designer happy. :) she has gone above and beyond the call of duty on the amalgamation of mizkit/kitsnaps/cemurphy, building a non-slidimg header widget, developing unique page layouts for each, she’s working on aan increasingly shiny cemurphy interface–the list goes on. and she’d mentioned she didn’t have the the latest few walker papers, so i said i’d send them to her. bit then i was terribly late sending them to her, so i added a few extras, including the early drafts of the books i’m writing…

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Blarney Butterfly

Kitsnaps: Blarney Butterfly

At some point I had looked up what kind of butterfly this is, but I’ve long since forgotten. These flowers, though, attract them, and there’s a whole garden area on the Blarney Castle grounds where they cultivate the flowers to draw the insects. It was wonderful fun in there with my friend Susannah, creeping after butterflies and inhaling the scent of the blooms.

Mint Hot Chocolate

I was downtown this afternoon waiting for the bus, and I saw one of the women who works at the cafe I usually get a hot chocolate ate. She said to me, “You were at the Bon Jovi concert! I saw you on the big screens and I thought, OMG, it’s Mint Hot Chocolate!” *laughs and laughs* Mom and I went to Ikea before that and spent about 300 hours there in 90 minutes. I got a lot of things I needed for the new house, though now they all…

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Blarney Cabin

Kitsnaps: Blarney Cabin

The Blarney Castle grounds go on forever, and here and there you find unexpected bits of the past cropping up. This is one of them, a secluded, lovely cabin down by a stream and near to the lily pad lake. I could live there, given half a chance.