I, despite several warning signs to the contrary, managed to be *so certain* that the Meat Loaf Farewell Tour concert that I bought tickets for in _December_ was tonight, May 19, that I did not check the tickets until I got to the concert venue tonight and nobody was there. The concert was on Friday, the 17th. Fuck. And we didn’t get the house we were hoping to. I’m going to go watch Sherlock and drown my sorrows now. *sigh*
there we are.
I couldn’t post to LJ for the past 24 hours or so, so there’s a sudden rash of posts from me as things propagate. Sorry. So far this week I’ve won tickets to FF6 and an upgrade to my Meat Loaf concert ticket. I clearly need to go buy lotto tickets tonight. Young Indiana and I went to the Botanic Gardens the other day. A couple of kids around age 6 saw us and stood there grinning at us so hard I thought their faces would explode. It was a…
Kitsnaps: At Rest
All is at rest.
Picoreview: Moulin Rouge
Picoreview: Moulin Rouge is still exactly the kind of thing you’d like if you like that kind of thing, and definitely not if you don’t. One of the local cinemas is doing a Baz Luhrmann month running up to his Gatsby this week, so Ted and I went to see Moulin Rouge (still can’t type that without typing Rogue first) last night, for probably the 3rd or 4th time on a big screen for me, at least. I’ve no doubt become more accustomed to Nichole Kidman’s voice through repeated listening…
Kitsnaps: Cork City Skyline
The cathedral featured is St Finbarr’s, and the towers there are known as…I forget what. It’s something to do with being financed by the Irish stout makers, so they’re Guinness and Beamish, or something like that. :) And it’s possible that the apse picture was taken inside there. :)