the essential kit


A coworker of Ted’s is upgrading his camera kit to professional lenses, and thus is looking to get rid of several of his older ones. Ted brought them home for a trial run this week, and the past couple mornings I’ve put a different lens on and gone out. I shall continue to do this for two more days, with the rest of the lenses. I took the 50mm out yesterday. The last time I shot on a 50mm lens might have been high school, when I was learning the…

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Golden Sunset

Kitsnaps: Golden Sunset

One of the best things about living in Longford was that our house had a gorgeous view of the sunsets. :)

Mountain Echoes by CE Murphy

plodding along

I was obliged to stop and remind myself today that in fact by any standards at all, a 5100 word day is actually very good. Even by my standards, which as we all know are completely lunatic. I’ve done 25 or 30K since Wednesday last. It’s not as much as I’d been hoping for, but again, in actuality it’s quite good. The problem, of course, is I’m not even vaguely convinced they’re the right words. I have no sense of the book and frankly think it all sucks. Ted and…

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the essential kit

moving day

Our landlords stopped by a couple nights ago to say they wouldn’t be renewing our lease, as one of them wants to move back into the house. We were kind of expecting/planning to move anyway, but now we’re definitely moving. The nice thing is if we find a place before our lease is up they’re not going to hold us to it. It’s at times like this I wish I was a minimalist. :p It’s at times like this I also think I need to learn to buy my music…

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