Guest Blogger: Gabra Zackman!

Over the years I’ve had lots and lots of people tell me how much they love Gabra Zackman, the reader for most of the Walker Papers audio books. Gabra emailed me around a year ago and we’ve chatted back and forth in email (and in Skype, recently! SO COOL!) a bit, and I thought, hey! I should ask if she’d do a guest blog sometime! So I did, and she said yes! And so in honor of the audio version of RAVEN CALLS being released today, I’m posting the blog…

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speaking of baking :)

I stopped at the butcher’s yesterday to get a batch of 18 small eggs, and yer man there said to me, “You know we’ve 20 large ones too?” I allowed as how I did know that, but I preferred the smaller ones for baking. He said, “Oh, do ye bake a lot, do ye?” And I allowed as how I did. “Maybe you’ll make us a cake sometime!” said he. “Sure,” I said. “I always like an excuse to bake for someone else. Any kind in particular?” “Oh no,” says…

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a day of a thousand cookies

Okay, probably not a thousand, but I’m doing an awful lot of baking over the next couple days, in preparation for P-Con! It’s being held at the Irish Writers’ Centre this year, which is awesome in all ways except it does lack a bar/food court, so I’m making around a zillion treats and will put them up with a donate button sign. I can’t decide if I should make more smaller cookies, or fewer larger ones (more larger ones is not an option), and I can’t figure out what price…

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leap day

I have taken a leap* today, in honor of Leap Day. Have you? *Not an actual leap in the physical sense. I did do some cartwheels, though. :)


People are getting and reading their copies of RAVEN CALLS. People are getting to the place where NO DOMINION starts. People are making strangled sounds at me. :) Oh, hey. I’m going to be doing another Gryphon Beach Storytelling Hour soon. Probably on March 10th at 9pm my time/4pm Eastern/12pm Pacific. It’ll be a 90 minute storytelling hour and I’ll tell two or three GB stories in that time. There may or may not be a tip jar this time. – send story to jess – get badge stuff –…

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