Adventures in glasses-wearing

So a little bit ago my dad, who is notorious for leaving his glasses lying around, was looking for them. We looked in the kitchen. We looked in the library, and I checked the bathroom while he went up to check his room. Then I went into the living room and called, “I found your glasses, Dad!” And I HAD found them. On MY FACE. *MY* glasses were lying on the coffee table, because I, too, have developed a terrible habit of leaving my glasses lying around (only since my…

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Recent Reads: The Chronicles of Elantra

Last year I decided I want to re-read Michelle Sagara’s Chronicles of Elantra (more widely known as “the Cast books”) because I’d fallen a couple of books behind and while they’re not quite Big Fat Epic Fantasy, they’re big enough books that I kinda wanted a refresher before reading what I’d missed. Now, I’d enjoyed them the first time through, obviously, or I wouldn’t have been re-reading them to begin with, but OMG I LOVED THEM EVEN MORE the second time through. I think a huge reason I liked them…

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Patreon Boost / Teaser Fic

Among many other things available at my Patreon, I’ve been writing a fic for the past several months. Someone there asked for a REDEEMER/Golden-Age-superhero crossover, and since Captain America is mentioned twice in REDEEMER, it seemed like the obvious choice. Here’s a teaser chunk of what’s available on Patreon! Enjoy, and if you want more, you know where to find it. :) *** Two years on, Rosie knew what a Redeemed soul looked like, how all the darkness separated and spilled way until only gold and light were left. She…

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Picoreview: Cats

Picoreview: Cats: I have seen it twice and have no regrets. Simultaneously, there are an awful lot of things I’d have done differently. I’d have started by not casting Rebel Wilson, or doing *that* with her song. Especially the latter. A great deal could have been forgiven if they’d stuck with the stage show’s method of creating the cockroaches and mice (which is “have the cats dress up as the cockroaches and mice”, which was funny rather than horrifying and mind-bleeding, and as I use those words, I remind you…

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Release Day: Keys

I have a small, and I hope consistently growing, collection of short stories set in a post-climate-change future that I’ve taken to calling The Rising. “Keys”, written years ago for an anthology, belongs in that world, as does last year’s “Siryn” (Amazon || Apple || Barnes & Noble (Nook) || Kobo). So far they’re all retold fairy tales; “Keys” is a take on Bluebeard that I’m rather fond of. :) “Keys” a fairy tale of The Rising Not so very long ago came the Rising, and the death of the…

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