thinks to do today: – pilates – write. ideally, write 2 chapters 1.something will do – finish AAs (but who are we kidding, this will be done after Truthseeker’s done, it looks like) – color notes – go for a walk *stares at that list* I feel like I’m missing something important on that.
lovely evening
Somehow the book has nearly caught up to my YTD wordcount again. That’s kind of weird. Anyway, I realized today I may have as few as 4 chapters left, which would be sort of awesome. No, actually, who am I kidding, it would be totally made of awesome. I could have as many as six or seven, but four or five is seeming pretty likely. *fingers crossed* We had a lovely evening here at the Murphy-Lee household. My uncle and cousin are over visiting, so Ted made an apple &…
boring thinks to do
– utterly fail to exercise due to stiff and soreness – write. again, 2 chapters, ideally one will do. – work on AAs – get together pages & byline & photo for interview thing – color notes – magical words posting My motivation is shaky today, probably because of the stiff and soreness. Someday when I’m rich I’m going to fly to Colorado and pay Erica to give me massages every day for two weeks straight. Possibly at the end of that my shoulders would no longer be rock solid…
teaser pages & stuff
Teaser pages for Chance #2 and 3 behind the cut!
boring week of posts
This is likely to be a boring week of posts. I’ve got a thousand things to do and need to-do lists in order to get through ’em, so, well. Boring week. thinks to do: – pilates – email The Man – write. ideally, write 2 chapters, but write, anyway – work on, possibly finish, AAs – go for a walk. (this one’s important.) to do tomorrow so I don’t forget: – stop by the bank & open a savings account