A-Gaimaning we went!

Back from Dublin, where we had an extremely nice ‘weekend’, ate *way* too much generally excellent food, saw friends, got books signed, signed some books, and spent too much money. Gaiman-related details under the cut, since that’s probably most of what people want to read about anyway. :)

not my brightest idea :)

I just upgraded WordPress, which I hit the button for and then thought “wow, this is probably not the best idea. I’m leaving for three days. What if it doesn’t work?” But it did. Whew. :) Ted and I are off for Dublin for three days! We are not (*gasp*) bringing the laptop, so unless we stop at a net cafe, we’ll be offline until sometime Wednesday when we return. See you then!


In my bid to get photos for Lisa and to start organizing the kitsnaps stuff, I have discovered that I am simply *missing* the photography files from April-June 2006. I have literally no idea how this is possible. I cannot imagine that I might have accidentally deleted them. Not three months worth of photos. And even if I *had*, I can’t even find the saved-for-web versions on any of the backups we’ve got, which is bizarre beyond belief. It’s like I was using a different, no-longer-extant computer for those three…

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kitsnaps thoughts

I have a dream. It’s not as noble a dream as MLK Jr’s. It’s just a dream that I’ll get my kitsnaps photographs all tucked together in a tidy directory someday, where they will all live in their appropriately modified glory and will be easily accessible. Having just gotten a Giant! New! Computer! makes this somewhat more likely. I’m in the process now of moving all the photography files to the portable hard drive (as opposed to the one they’re on, which is merely a hard drive rescued from a…

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unexpectedly advanced

So, because somebody else said to me today that my Pilates and swimming were inspiring (which I am very pleased, if somewhat befuddled, by; I’ve been doing this barely a month! it hardly seems like it’s enough to inspire!), I went to look at the intermediate stage of the Pilates exercise I’ve been doing. Not because I was going to start them right away (today ended week 5! the ones I’m doing are getting a little boring! but they’re still not *easy*), but because I wanted to see what I…

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