I cannot possibly be stressed.

I’ve been on vacation for two weeks. I cannot possibly be stressed. And yet I’ve had the “it’s the last week of college and I’ve realized there’s a class I haven’t attended all semester” dream twice the last few nights, and another canker sore attempted (futilely, thanks to the constant influx of Christmas oranges) to lodge itself in my upper lip. I do need to do a couple things sooner rather than later this week: – re-draw the TQB map, since I’ve apparently lost the Giant Version, which annoys the…

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what i’ve been doing today

Aside from sitting in an uncomfortable chair for several hours and making my back hurt, I did this:

Ted is awesome.

Ted is awesome. I have been quite the Little Miss Depressy Pants the last couple of days, what with the tired and the dark and the rain and the everything. Today we went out into the wet grey world, and when we came home we had to change out of our damp clothes. I threw my pants on the bed and went into the bathroom. When I came out again, this was what greeted me: It seems the damp had made us shrink away to nothing entirely! I particularly thought…

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turns out…

Turns out that although we went forth and bought peanuts as we were instructed–shelled salted peanuts–a critical word was not used in that phrase: roasted shelled salted peanuts. So I made about a cup and a third of utterly inedible peanut butter from raw peanuts because I didn’t know any better. It is really truly quite awful. I will now go make peanut butter fudge with the commercial peanut butter I have liberated from Mom and Dad’s house. :)


Wow. There’s enough fog out the front window that for an instant when I glanced up, it looked like the world had gone away. It was, in fact, sufficiently foggy that I thought I should go out this morning and take photos. While I was getting dressed most of the fog went away, but I went out anyway, and judging from the return of the fog, it’s just as well, because there’s too much now for good photography unless I’m quite close to something. But in the meantime I got…

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