It is perhaps not morally superior, what with not going out and supporting the local economy, but *damn* it is nice and efficient to do Christmas shopping on Amazon. *dusts hands* Ted has made truffles. Truly sinful rich chocolately amazing deadly truffles. I ate one. I might not be able to eat more. My gawd. He ran out of chocolate to dip them in, so the last few are going to be rolled in toffee as soon as I make the toffee. *ded* And! Jackie Kessler, writer extraordinare, has done…
Chance promotion!
Temple Library Reviews (aka LJ’s own ) has done a lovely writeup on theupcoming “Take A Chance” premiere, and Morrigan Books owner (owner?) Mark Deniz/ also mentions it on his blog. Yay! Ted and I actually got up and went to the gym today. We’re quite proud of ourselves. :) And for much of the rest of the day I’m going to make candy and prepare to send it out into the world. :) Oh, and I’ve got kitsnaps up and running again with a new, hopefully spam-freeish template which…
the saga of the copy edits
Did I actually post about my wibbling over whether I was going to photocopy the copy edited manuscript of THE PRETENDER’S CROWN? I ended up not doing it, because it was going to cost €92, which is about $116, and frankly that’s a third the cost of a document scanner and I simply do not have a hundred euro to drop on *photocopies*. You can all see where this is going. The manuscript, which was supposed to be in New York by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest, has not…
vacation: how does that apply to you?
Yesterday in comments somebody asked how vacation appealed to me, but the first five or so times I read it I read ‘apply to you’. Given that many people are profoundly skeptical about my ability to actually not do work, let me tell you how I will not be working over the next four weeks. These are all things which are on my list of thinks to do, so it’s not that I’m making things up to prove I won’t be working. I am not going to: – contact the…
done. doneity done done *done*.
I have turned in “Cairn Dancer”, and I am bloody well done for the year. ytd wordcount: 360,000