doctor who & things

I am reminded to announce that sadly, I will not be attending MeCon this year. The world has not conspired to permit it. Mean ol’ world. I’ve been re-watching series 2 Doctor Who, having just recently re-watched the first series. I thought David Tennant had seriously channeled Christopher Eccleston for at least a few episodes, but in re-watching, I gotta say, nope, Ten’s very much his own man straight off. Also, the bit in The Christmas Invasion where he’s still in Nine’s clothes really, really echoed poignantly forward (or back)…

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book things

  War has erupted among the five Old Races, and Margrit Knight is responsible for the death that caused it. Now New York City’s most unusual lawyer faces her toughest negotiation yet. And with her gargoyle lover, Alban, taken prisoner, Margrit’s only allies–a dragon bitter about his fall, a vampire determined to hold his standing at any cost and a mortal detective with no idea what he’s up against–have demands of their own. Determined to rescue Alban and torn between conflicting loyalties as the battle seeps into the human world,…

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Plz for to hlp!

I am, as I have mentioned, redesigning I’ve got it nearly done, but I thought I’d put up random quotes from my books as part of the design. So here’s where I need your help: anybody who wants to give me a favorite quote from one of my books (you can cite page and line if you think it’s spoilish, and I’ll do the rest), please post it in comments! No more than about 200 words, I think. Plz for to help! :) Man, we’re watching the original Die…

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I just went and looked at the TBR list I posted in May. On May 9th, in fact. I had 35 books on that list. I took 3 off because I decided I wasn’t likely to read them, and I’m down to 13 now, though I also bought at least…seven books while traveling to and from San Diego, because I only brought 4 with me on the plane and I read them all before I left Newark (I read 6 books that day) so I needed more. I’ve read almost…

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by popular demand

All right, all right, by popular demand, a photo of the new hair behind the cut. I’m not actually sure it’s a particularly good picture of the hair (which I figured out how to make look a little less chemo-patient), but it amused me.