swimming good.

Swimming good. 1800 yards today, marginally better than yesterday. If I keep adding 200 yards a workout, in another week or so I’ll be at a decent swim. Although, honestly, I’m trying not to overdo it. My back hasn’t freaked out yet, but that doesn’t mean I’m not paranoid. No swimming tomorrow. Tomorrow, tap class. Saturday swimming would be good, though. And it’s supposed to warm up to the 20s, so I’ll probably walk some more. Wretched cold slippery weather. Going to go feast on the flesh of spaghettis now,…

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words, words words

2359 words, and I might still write some more later. Not sure yet. My brain’s starting to get a little chewy. There are a couple people reading the rough draft for this book, and I’d imagine their brains have gone right out the window, because I’m dropping things and coming up with new things and having unsubstantiated things arrive out of nowhere and, you know, all the rot that goes along with a first draft. I’ve got pages of notes of things to fix, and some other things that need…

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Glee! I shouldn’t have turned the desktop computer on yet this morning, as I haven’t written yet, but I had to, ’cause glee! First, the official weigh-in this morning was down another pound, so I’ve lost 17 pounds since Oct. 7th. And second, I took my second pair of size 14s out of the closet and discovered they were more badly thrashed than I thought they were, so I veeeery nervously tried on the new 12s I got for Christmas, which I hadn’t been going to do until I’d lost…

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I defied the gods and went…well, swimming, this afternoon. I feel somewhat more like I might be, or at least might have once been, part of the human race. 1600 yards, not a particularly huge amount, but an amount that seemed prudent to me. I shall see, tomorrow, how my back is doing. I hope I will get to go swim again tomorrow. I am still a-boggle over the new improved fit of my swimsuit (and the new improved reflection in the mirror, for that matter). And, y’know, with any…

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2788 words today despite myself, and I think this is a very sexy chapter. There’ve been explosions, now there needs to be a little down time of learning more stuff and testing theories, then on to a worldwide chase where three or four factions are after the hero, some sex if I can work it in, some nice crunchy betrayal on someone’s part, then more explosions and a deadly fight and we’re good. No prollem. It is way too damn cold out to go walking. ytd wordcount: 14,900