wow! best friends!

Wow! Another wonderful anonymous somebody has put money toward the Mandarin! Thank you, wonderful anonymous somebody! The painting is nearing being paid for, now! I have the BEST sneaky friends! I have also been writing this morning. Almost 1300 words; wretched chapter 5 is halfway done. I think when I’m over this hump it’ll get easier. I hope. o.O Mmm. BBQ meatballs for lunch. Mmm.

*that* didn’t work

I wrote 12 or 1400 completely useless words today. I started chapter 5 twice. I was right the first time: the bit that the end I wrote for ch. 4 led into was just too soon, so it totally failed to work. I did that after writing an incredibly boring eight hundred words on what I thought should happen instead. Then I wanted to poke my eyes out, because BOOOOOOOOORING. So I logged on and flailed, and got a bunch of suggestions from people, and now I think I know…

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weighing in and stuff

Official weigh-in: down 1 more pound, for a total of 11 pounds lost (earlier in the week it was 12, but today’s the official weigh-in day, so oh well). Been editing a paper for Ted. Now off to write, walk, and very likely write some more. I’ll be around later when the chapter is done. *vroom*

THREE miles!

I walked THREE whole miles today! Muahahahah! I only took Chanti on one of them, though. Didn’t feel like dealing with her. Got my desk clean. Finished staining my brackets. (Maybe. Have to let ’em dry and see if they look like they need another round of sanding/staining. I hope not.) Killed plenty of brain cells with the stain, sheesh. Let’s see, what else. Gonna go work on my AA’s in a few minutes here. Haven’t written today (bad Kit), but I’m not feeling particularly guilty about it, so. :)…

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Matrice just sent me a Chicago Sun-Times story about the Bombshell line. V. cool! I’m not a very interesting Kit this morning. Haven’t written yet, although I will today. Thinking about doing a sort of “from start to finish” writeup of getting published this first time through–the book won’t be on the shelves for six months yet, but I’m on the very last stage before it goes away and I don’t see it again until I get the published copies, so unless something totally unexpected happens, I’m done. (!) Yep.…

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