*laugh* Bow down! you are the Queen! whatever you say,goes. You have a large dose of confidence butdont let that get to your ego! Surrounded bywealth and soaking in power, you are the facethat everyone knows and looks to for stability.A true leader, you know right from wrong andhow to fix a tough situation. Long Live theQueen! What Renaissance Type Woman are you? (with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
page 300
Am on page 297 of edits. Either this is less Frankensteiny than I thought, or I’m too close to see the problems. A few places to develop things have struck me, and I’ve been making notes about consistency, but so far it seems to be holding together remarkably well. Still waiting for the proverbial Other Shoe to drop.
demanding kitty
Lucy is an insanely demanding lap kitty this morning. Which is a bother if you’re trying to do, you know. Anything. But it’s very cute. :) Am on page 175 or so of HoS edits. Nothing egregious so far. Some gregious stuff, but nothing egregious. Am starting to hold out faint hope for the book. And now back to the grindstone (going to work late today, get to edit til 11am).
It stopped raining long enough for Chanti and me to walk 3 miles, so that’s something, anyway. And my work needs somebody around late tomorrow, so I’m not going to work til 11, which should mean a few hours of quality editing time tomorrow morning. That’ll be good! Ummm. *looks around* Guess that’s about it, then. miles to Lothlorien: 267
meme gacked from <lj user=”randomgang”>
1. Think of a word you would use to describe me. 2. Go to Google Image Search and search for that word. 3. Select the picture you see as most fitting, and post it as a reply. 4. Post this meme in your journal.