and it’s off!

Edited a hundred pages of HoS last night, but I haven’t gotten to the icky stuff yet. A lot of the early stuff is more or less unchanged (er, except the whole new plotline in there), so it’s pretty solid. I think it’s around chapter 10 or 12 that it starts becoming unbelievably awful. :) Had a bit of a panic this morning because I couldn’t find the ink that goes with the Amazing Glass Pen that Sarah sent me. That pen, because it is very, very important to me,…

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I like checking the mail and finding a contract in it! As I don’t have a title yet, for the purposes of the contract, the novella is being called CATIE’S WINTER MOON, which inevitably reminds me of Spidey coming to visit me in Fairbanks in January and being astonished to see the moon in the sky, as he’d somewhat dubiously concluded that if we only had 3 hours of sunlight, we must also not get moonlight. *laugh* Contract! Yay! *ha cha cha cha cha CHA*!

more on the audi

The Audi people called this morning to tell me they still know nothing. Apparently they’re talking to the German head company trying to figure this out, because nobody in this country can figure out why the piece doesn’t fit. *sigh* The Germans, it seems, also have not come up with a snap answer. This is very annoying. In other news, did you know it’s really quite easy to submit a book for consideration for the Newberry Award? Sort of like the Nobel Prize; as long as somebody puts it in…

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It’s unexpectedly lovely out this morning. I hope it holds; I haven’t been walking much ’cause of the rain (and the rewrites) and I want to do more. Got a new printer cartridge, yay! And that’s really about all the news there is today. More later, mebbe. miles to Lothlorien: 260

*little dance*

Trent’s reading IMMORTAL BELOVED and apparently enjoying it quite a lot. *happy little dance* That’s always nice to hear. :) I’ve spent half the day waiting for my site that I’m working on to come back up, and now that it has I just sort of want to glare at it.