the essential kit

Still not doing it…

I’m still not running any, but boy, I sure can think of a lot of Kickstarters that would be fun to do. :) No: there are other projects that need finishing first. But even so. :) Speaking of them, though, Judith Tarr’s second Kickstarter is in its last week, and is mere dollars away from the next goal. I have great hopes of a last-days surge putting it up to $10K, which would be SO COOL. Go go Kickstarting Judy! And while I’m admiring Judy, she’s written a terrific article,…

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the essential kit

shopping! and stuff.

I was obliged to go buy a couple more pinup girl dresses today, due to having a gift certificate that was about to expire. Now I have something to wear to EasterCon. I’ll have to do something about my hair, I expect, but yay fun clothes! :) I am even at this very moment failing to watch new Castle. *sigh* I’ve been remembering all week that the first new episode was on tonight, and at the critical moment, I forgot. Woe. We’re recording it when it re-airs tomorrow night, but…

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the essential kit

oh yay!

Judith Tarr is doing another Kickstarter! This one’s space opera. I cannot wait to read it. I am full of joy and happiness that she’s running another Kickstarter, and just *glows* We live in such a cool time right now, for writers (for artists!). The ability to connect directly with our readers, to offer projects like this, to try things we might not otherwise get a chance to…it’s just such an amazing thing, something that ten years ago would have been just about impossible to comprehend, and I’m so delighted…

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the essential kit

quick signal boost

Judith Tarr is running a sale on her mentoring package (which she is extending through next week, so I’ll update this link later with the new information, but I wanted to get it down so I didn’t forget!). Judy is one of the most brilliant writers I’ve ever read, so she’s well worth hiring if you’re in the market for a writing mentor! Tim Pratt’s Kickstarter ends in just a few hours! I like the Marla books because Marla is such an in-your-face protagonist–not the nicest person in the world,…

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The Soul Mirror by Carol Berg


Carol Berg doesn’t write bad books, but the Collegia Magica is in the running for my favorite of her series. (I’d have to re-read BREATH & BONE to decide for sure.) There was a bit in this one that made me laugh out loud, when our unassuming heroine’s activities are related as viewed by an outside opinion. Not so unassuming after all, perhaps. A thing I expected came to pass within these pages, which was good (I really wanted it to happen), but considerably more I didn’t also happened, which…

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