Guest Post: On the Making of Jam

All y’all know I like to make jams and things and although I can’t find a post talking about it, I did an experiment with my last batch of peach jam where I used about 30% less sugar because the stuff I’d made was So Sweet and So Stiff and because it had been years and years since I’d made jam and I’d *thought* that looked like an *awful* lot of sugar and the reduced sugar version turned out beautifully and not too sweet although I thought I could cut…

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using things

Just like everybody else, we have a slow cooker. Just like everybody else, we never use it. But in my quest to use things or get rid of them, I have stated emphatically that I’ll make something with the slow cooker at least once a month, and if I don’t, in six months I’ll get rid of it. To that end, I’m using it. I got a slow cooker cookbook, and could make a difference recipe every week for the rest of the year before having to repeat myself. The…

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so. many. good. things.

I keep finding recipes that look magnificent and discovering food sites that have all kinds of swoonable-looking meals. They’re evenly split between pure junk food and really healthy eating stuff, and I keep looking at the healthy eating stuff and wishing I would actually make these things (I’m far more likely to make the other stuff, because I love to bake, whereas I only tolerate having to cook). And then I find Thug Kitchen (warning: this guy spews profanity left right and center. It’s obviously intended to be over the…

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Mountain Echoes by CE Murphy


I am making people cry with MOUNTAIN ECHOES. Triumph! :) People have asked, so let me say it here: the audio version will probably be out on March 1, which is the official release date. Similarly with any e-book versions you cannot currently find; they may not be out until March 1. I have absolutely no control over this, and hope you are able to find the format of your choice soon. :) The NO DOMINION sale continues through March 1, MOUNTAIN’s official release date. Get it in print or…

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The 140 Character Cookbook

The other day over on Twitter, Ilona Andrews said she’d bought churizo because she’d seen a recipe she wanted to try that called for it, but now she couldn’t find the recipe so what was she supposed to do with the churizo? I said, “Sautee it in a pan. Throw in chick peas & sautee in chorizo oil until soft. Mix sour cream over it. Eat with pita. Die happy,” which she did. Without actually dying, I should note. But OMG. It’s a recipe Ted invented a few weeks ago,…

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