
So I got outbid on that fabulous 1920s style dress, as I’d expected to. I was regretful but not surprised, and started poking around at other not-quite-so-good ones. Then I got an email from a reader. She’d clicked through to see the dress, her husband had seen her looking at it, surmised that she wanted it, and bid on it for her. “But,” she said, “I didn’t want it, I was just looking at it, so would it be too weird if I just had the seller send it to…

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things! many things!

I have *finally* gotten the green light on the title for the 9th and final Walker Papers! It will be SHAMAN RISES, and if all goes according to schedule, I believe it’ll be out in December 2013. (Book 8, MOUNTAIN ECHOES, is out in January, I think.) I spent some time this morning talking comics with a friend, and now a part of me desperately wants to run a Kickstarter for the second chapter of “Take A Chance”. This is no more practical than running any other Kickstarters right now…

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