Yesterday for some reason Scalzi was listing his 5 favourite John Cusack teen movies and I volunteered that mine was The Journey of Natty Gann. Meredith Salenger, the actress who played Natty, responded with an “Awesome!” and I am now totally full of dorktastic fangirl squee. OMG. #dorktastic Seriously, that movie could be the place my great love of unrequited/impossible love stories comes from. Even now I think Natty and Harry’s story was utterly heartbreaking in the best angstful way possible, and of course in my head I wrote MILLIONS…
Tag: fandom
a quick WFC recap
I wanted to do a quick WFC recap before it gets so far away as to be irrelevant, so here I go. :) First off, this was the first con I’d been to since about 2006 that I didn’t have professional obligations at. In fact, that’s almost a blanket statement: the first two conventions I went to were the only ones I’ve *not* been at in some professional aspect or another, so it was a bit weird for me in the first place. And I’m sure it’s been said elsewhere,…
We’ve started watching Defiance. One of my early reactions was “Who *is* that?” about Datak Tarr, who of course turned out to be the utterly wonderful Tony Curran and once I knew that I didn’t know how I couldn’t see it. (I had, in fact, said, “I know who that is but I can’t see it past the makeup.”) Anyway, he’s great and Jaime Murray, who plays his wife, Stahma Tarr, is O.M.G. amazing. OMG. She’s worth watching the show all for herself, although I like other characters as well.…
That sounds familiar.
“I could be better. I can make it work better and I’m trying to teach myself more discipline because when you have children and you are an artist, you already have more than fills a day. I would also like to have friends, hobbies, maybe read a book sometime.” From How To Be Prolific, an essay/interview with Joss Whedon. At the Irish premiere of Much Ado About Nothing, the moderator said to Joss, “So you finished the biggest movie in history and then immediately turned around and filmed another one…
universes collide
One of the people I ran into at the Star Trek party the other night was there with her sister. They were both in costume, and one of them, Susan, mentioned that RTE had interviewed them because RTE was all OOH YEAH SISTERS SO YOU’RE A FAMILY OF TREKKIES RIGHT and stuff. Next morning, another friend of mine, Carol, said, “Hey, my sisters are the first story on RTE’s coverage of the Star Trek party!” WHUT I had no idea they were related. The moment it was revealed, however, it…