One of my Loyal Readers, known in these parts as Hataroni, commissioned a short story, and then someone else put us over the top! WE HAVE COVER ART! But Hataroni didn’t just commission a story. He’s asked me to ask YOU for story ideas that he can choose from, because he’d like to see what his fellow readers would like, too! IS HE COOL OR WHAT?!?! So please post your story ideas here, and I’ll make sure he sees them (well, he will anyway, but I’ll make sure!) Hataroni has…
Tag: friends
New Senyaza Kickstarter!
guys guys GUYS guys guys I have been terribly remiss in shouting about Chrysoula Tzavelas’s Senyaza Kickstarter. This is for her third book in the MATCHBOX GIRLS series, and I’m in the middle of reading it right now and it is so. good. Like, early on (because it’s set in Seattle, mostly, sort of, and bcaus I’v got crossovers on my mind) I was reading and I tweeted to Soula that we should really do a Walker Papers/Senyaza crossover good. Then a couple hours later I was like “or maybe…
Green Tea Cupcakes
So yesterday was the 200th birthday of Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Irish author of such gothic classics as UNCLE SILAS and CARMILLA. Swan River Press, a small Irish press specializing in gothic horror and half-forgotten Irish authors, has done a rather splendid celebration of Le Fanu, including – a track at last weekend’s Eurocon – a walk through Dublin with Le Fanu’s life & career as the path – a lecture last night by Le Fanu expert Jim Rockhill – and the release of DREAMS OF SHADOW & SMOKE: Stories…
Unforgiven: A Highlander fic
So a few weeks ago, Medieval POC, the website I feel is the actual purpose of the Internet existing, posted this picture: and requested immortal vampire fic. I was all like “VAMPIRE WUT NO HIGHLANDER OBVS!” and she said that would do too. And then I, er, had an idea. And then…well, then this happened: Unforgiven: A Highlander Fic Etruria (today, Tuscany): ca 500 BC The last thing he remembered was the lion killing him. He didn’t expect to awaken in a field; he did not expect to awaken with…
Shamrokon was a lovely, fun, totally exhausted weekend. Not so much exhaust*ing* as exhaust*ed*; for some of the attendees it was the 3rd con weekend in a row, and for lots of them it was the 2nd. It turns out that’s a lot. :) I myself was on three panels (all of which went pretty well), helped judge the Golden Blasters, which are one of my very favourite parts of the current Irish fandom scene, and threw a Let Them Eat Cake party on Friday night. The biggest mistake of…