Dublin 2019! That was the other thing I wanted to mention in yesterday’s Loncon blog! As you know, Bob, Dublin is putting in a bid to host WorldCon in 2019. I got involved with the bid about 18 months ago, and I’m really excited about the prospect. So, apparently, is everyone else: by Saturday night at Loncon there were apparently about 250 pre-supporters, people who have given 20 quid to help finance the bid itself as well as the convention. There were many others who asked if we would be…
Tag: friends
Loncon was pretty amazing. It was well-run, with the only really visible snafu being that they weren’t prepared for 3000 people to show up at 9am Thursday, imagining, instead, that they’d show up more gradually through the weekend. So Thursday there was a Very Long Line to pick up registration materials, but they handled it super well and kept it moving. A highlight was my friend Kate, after walking from one end of the very long convention centre concourse to the end where Loncon was taking place and then discovering…
Joanne’s Story
So the postman knocks on the door and I’m all “postman, huh, weird, I wonder what he’s delivering, I’m not expecting anything,” and he hands me this thing that says “art” on the customs slip and I’m all like “art? art? i don’t think i ordered any art? what–oh, from Eleri? Oh, she must have seen something that made her think of me, how sweet of her,” all this while I’m opening the package, and I open it so I’m looking at the back and it says “Joanne’s Story” and…
My friend Maura McHugh‘s new Hellboy-universe comic Witchfinder launched this week. There was a signing today at the local comic shop, where I had the following conversation with a friend: Him: Reading any good comics? Me: I’m really reading more *about* comics than actual comics these days. Him: Oh, you mean like academic journals? Me: Un, no, I mean like Tumblr… *laughs* Yes, well, at least I’m honest. In other comics news, Leah sent my script back with ridiculously helpful commentary which amounted to “Good story, great pacing, great page…
Me: I have finished a comic script, the first in ages. If I am brave and smart, now I will send it to Leah Moore* for commentary. Leah: Dooooooooooo eeet! Me: But what if it’s AWFUL? Leah: Then I shall post a gif of me frowning slightly and shaking my head very slowly! *giggles helplessly* She felt it necessary to assure me that was a joke, after posting it. *laughs more* I love Leah. Funny, funny lady. :) *leah has volunteered for this, i do not normally just send things…