too late.

AC Crispin died today. Fuck.

visits and gardens and things, oh my!

Our friend Kate came up from Cork to do family things, but we got to keep her overnight because we’re lucky. :) I obliged her to get her 10,000 steps for the year in a *second time* this year, the poor darling: we went hither and yon and to the Botanic Gardens for a picnic (and ended up on the evening news! if only for a moment or two! :) I’d download that and make a clip of just the bit with us except I can’t figure out how. Is…

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A.C. Crispin

*sigh* Ann Crispin has publicly announced that she is (to borrow the words of another SF writer earlier this year) very poorly. Her battle with cancer has gone badly, and she’s dying. I’ve actually known this for weeks, having become close with her over the past months and having had the chance to talk to her on the phone a couple of times. I’ve been–this sounds awkward, but it’s true–I’ve been hoping she would decide to tell people before it was time for her husband to post and say she…

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AGP Party :)

If Swan River Press & I get ‪Arthur Guinness Projects‬ grants we’ll have a joint celebration party to celebrate. You’re all invited. :) Vote for us! My project, the Last Days of Ancient Sunlight, and Brian’s project, the Swan River Press!

ice cream, charming child & guinness

So far I have made one amazingly successful batch of vanilla ice cream, a frozen chocolate mousse, and a crystalized lump of strawberry blah. This is *not* my usual kind of treat-making record, and I’m perturbed by it. OTOH, I made these chocolate chip meringue cookies with leftover egg whites, and *they* turned out amazingly. Meringue is supposed to be hard to make, but historically I have very little trouble with things that are hard to make (we shall not speak of the first angel food cake, particularly since I…

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